Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Pink Snow!

We managed to get out for an afternoon walk between rain showers and found "pink snow" lying on the ground! Mum only had her mobile phone camera but managed to snap a few shots of us on the pink petal carpet. Its such a shame that the cherry blossoms are so short lived.


Girasol said...

beautiful pictures!!

pink snow? wow, that's a lot of cherry blossom trees.

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Thry do look pretty on the ground

Bussie Kissies

e said...

Yes, lots of pink snow here too! hehe that's cute. pink snow!

love love
Fei Fei

Fu Fu said...

Oh the cherry blossom are so pretty. I wish we get pink snow here in Singapore

~ fufu

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Hey Jazz and Dixie! I love your burberry coat!

and the pink snow is "oooops sorry Scottish word coming up!)


We have cherry blossom out here in Scotland. Thank you for my birthday wishes! love and licks Marv xxxx

The Army of Four said...

Ha ROO! That DOES look like pink snow! How fun!
Sorry we haven't left comments lately - we've been busy supervising mom in the garden. :) We just loved seeing all the Cherry Blossom pictures - and your friends at the cafe!
Play bows to my favorite Beagles!

Boo Casanova said...

oh, that's just too beautiful. all the streets are full of sakura. you must be enjoying the sakura too much!

wet wet licks



Hi Guys
Girasol - thanks. Yes there certainly are a lot of cherry trees around here. They are getting their leaves now so they are losing their petals.

Buster - they look pretty and they taste good too! And they are very soft underfoot.

Fei - Glad we got to meet and see your pink snow too!

Fu Fu - no pink snow in Singapore? Shall we send you some?

Marvin - Glad you enjoyed your Birthday. We have been practicing our new scottish word all day!! Maybe have to try it out here in Japan!

AO4 - Yes it was fun. If you look carefully in the first pic of me, (Jazz)you can see the petals stuck on my nose. It happened a few times so I just had to lick them off and eat them! Speaking of things growing - how's your garden coming on?

Boo - Yes there are many pretty Sakura streets around here. We have had a good time out and about under those pretty blossoms.

Jazz and Dixie