This long weekend Shin and I flew to Matsuyama for Shin's brother's wedding and while we were away Jazz and Dixie stayed at Dog Inc. Its really great to have a place where we can leave J and D knowing they will be happy and well looked after. It makes it a little easier to leave them. We had a good weekend away and met Rocky and Bobby again but as always it is great to see the girls. They were excited when they got home and Jazz gave me many unsolicited kisses! Rocky and Bobby's mum had given me a wooden 'Fetch' stick for Dixie to try. I hadn't shown it to Dixie and just put it on the coffee table. After all the greetings and excitement of being home the girls calmed down and Dixie just took the stick off the coffee table and started chewing on it! It's the first time she had this toy but she immediately knew what to do with it. As suspected Jazz wasn't interested.
Congratulations on brother's wedding.
It prays to become a happy home. :)
from loved ume tyan
Hey Jazz and Dixie..looks like you guys were super excited to have mom and dad home! glad you guys have a good place to go to while they are away
Love toby
Wowzers! I thought for a minute there the wedding was for Dixie and Ingo! Ha roo roo roo!
Much happiness to the newlyweds!
Play bows,
Hi, friends.
Sure your parents are happy to have a very good place for you while they are away.
That stick looks fun to play with!
Have a good night
Woh, looks like you girls had a pawsome weekend. :)
~ Girl girl
what a great weekend!
next time you guys have to practice to take the rings hehehhe
I love having a safe place to take Lola that she adores. Looks like the girls had a great time.
Hope you had fun at the wedding!
i know u love ur boarding place veli much...
omedetto on your uncle's wedding, d & j! i hope you had fun at dog inc. :)
Congratulations to your brother and his new wife!!!
Jazz & Dixie both look like they have a great time at Dog Inc.
oooh - Nice stick Dixie! I love a good chew every now and then too.
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