Friday, May 11, 2007

May 5th - Kodomo no Hi (Children's Day)

May 5th was Dixie's 1st Birthday but also Children's Day (previously known as Boys' Day ) here in Japan. It is a national holiday to celebrate the happiness of all children and to express gratitude toward mothers. Families raise carp shaped "Koinobori"flags, one for each boy (or child), and display the traditional Japanese military helmet, Kabuto. It is still very much a celebration for boys but we celebrated with our "children". Dixie is lucky because as long as we are in Japan her birthday will always be a holiday and neither of us will have to work. Jazz's Birthday is coming up next week and she will be at school for her birthday with all her DogInc. friends.


umekotyan said...

Children's Day, there are a carp streamer and a helmet.
It is a thing done as the thing that the child becomes energetic prays for a long time. :)

from loved ume tyan

The Army of Four said...

What a nice holiday! Maybe instead of Boys' Day or Children's Day, they should just call it Dixie Day! That has a nicer sound to it! And make a new holiday for Jazz Day, so everyone can stay home from work!
Did you hang pretty carp flags out for the girls?
Play bows,
PS: I posted our Bento Box picture!

Peanut said...

Happy Birthday to you both.


You guys are kinda tall for beagles, LOL I'm getting a complex since I'm so short