Today is really warming up after a rainy weekend! 21 degrees and clear blue sky - just the perfect weather for a nice long walk. We went to check out the place where we will be having this Saturday's cherry blossom viewing party (postponed from Saturday just past). Some of the trees already have a few opened blossoms on them but the trees are not in full bloom yet. I guess after the warm day today more and more of them will open up. Anyway here is a sneak preview to the upcoming 'Hanami' season. 'Hanami' means 'flower viewing' and is usually celebrated by having a picnic by day/night under the the cherry trees in full bloom. Every man and his dog comes out for that one weekend, some people camp over night to get the best spots and at the end of it all there are mountains of trash left behind!! The flowers are certainly beautiful but the trash is not!!
Cherry Blossom-That's my hooman sister's nickname, she was born in April and her middle name is Cherie, her grammy thought it sounded like Cherry. You are lucky to live in such a beautiful place.
How lovely! (And the cherry blossums aren't bad, either! Ha roo roo roo!) Mom took pix of our Redspire Pear and a couple other things to show you. They'll probably be up tomorrow. The blossums might get bigger, but some storms are rolling in (not my sister...) and she's afraid they'll get damaged!
Play bows,
Okay, Beagles are so unbelievably cute and adorable. I can hardly stand it. You're just too too cute.
Hi Guys,
Nugget - that's a pretty name. It brings to mind such a pretty picture. Yes its nice around here but we would so much like to visit a dog park like the one in your last posting.
Zim - Thanks we will check out those pics tomorrow. That's the thing about blossoms - they are so beautiful but have such a short life. We just found out that rain is forcast again for Saturday when we are supposed to have our party!!
Sophie - thanks for dropping by and for the nice comments. We are blushing.
Jazz and Dixie
Hi Jazz and Dixie! We found you guys through the AO4 blog. We just love your beautiful trees. We live in Minnesota and don't have anything blooming yet but it won't be long. We would like to invite you to come see our blog. We just got started but are really having a lot of fun meeting all the cool pups out there in blog land. We've even talked to your good friend Fei! Belly Rubs for the both of you!! Tasha & Eva
Jazz and Dixie, Hello, or Aroooooo, the proper hound greeting. I also came through AO4's blog and I must say I am quite fond of my beagle cousins! Your cherry blossoms are lovely and I hope you post more pictures when they are in full bloom!
Hi Guys,
Tasha and Eve - Thanks for coming over from AO4 blog site. We checked you guys out too. Yes it been fun making new friends through DWB. We will be checking your blooms as they are posted.
Wimsey - Thanks for stopping by. Yes we will be posting more cherry blossom pics very soon.
Jazz and Dixie
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