Sunday, February 11, 2007

Look everyone, I'm practicing my pawstands!

While walking in the park Jazz particularly likes to jump on benches, brick fences or any other elevated objects. She is very curious and likes to get a better view of the world from up high. The shutter release was a little slow on this one and instead of snapping Jazz and Dixie walking on a bench it turned out looking like Jazz was doing a handstand (I mean pawstand!).


The Army of Four said...

A pawstand?!!? Jazz, that's amazing! You're very talented!
Play bows,

Loui (and his mum!) said...

Oooh what great coats you are both wearing while performing your pawstands!

Loui xx

Nano Frontera. said...

Colleagues! they are Beagles just as I! What pleasure! to my also I like just as to Jazz to jump by the banks and the peculiar being is a characteristic ours, just as to smell everything. patita guau guauuu

Colegas!! son Beagles igual que yo!! Qué gusto!!! a mi también me gusta igual que a Jazz saltar por los bancos y el ser curioso es una característica nuestra, igual que oler todo. patita guau guauuu

fee said...

dear jazz and dixie,

thanks for visiting! i am well and thankfully, have escaped the anticipated smacking. mom eventually found out from the vet that what i had eaten was some sort of live culture tablets, so it's like drinking many bottles of yakult/vitagen at one go!

those jackets are lovely. are they waterproof as well?

o, and happy valentine's!

lots of love,


Hi guys,
Zim - I can teach you if you like!
Loui - Thanks. Dixie's coat used to belong to Jazz but she grew out of it pretty quickly so now Dixie wears it although she hates it!
Nano - Yes Beagles have a few peculiar habits regarding high places and their noses!
Fee - Good news, we are glad you are ok. We love yakult!
Jazz and Dixie


Re: the jackets - they are thick, warm and keep us dry in a shower. I don't think they would be good in a downpour but then again we try not to go out in the rain!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Hi Jazz and Dixie! Thanks for dropping in on my Blog to see me! Your Blog is very cool too!

I will pop in for a sniff around now and again if that is ok with you two!

love and licks
Marvin xxxxxxx